
Regular overviews of migration-related fundamental rights concerns - 2015

In view of the increasing numbers of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants entering the EU, the European Commission asked FRA to collect data about the fundamental rights situation of people arriving in those Member States that have been particularly affected by large migration movements. The countries covered in 2015 are Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy and Slovenia.

FRA published weekly overviews encompassing a period of eight weeks from September to November 2015 that cover a variety of different issues, including:

  • Overview of the situation in terms of size and patterns of new arrivals
  • Fundamental rights issue concerning initial registration and fingerprinting for Eurodac
  • Challenges and developments concerning reception conditions of new arrivals, also in relation to provision of healthcare
  • Social response to the situation – including rallies, voluntary work (such as humanitarian assistance, private persons hosting asylum seekers) and similar actions
  • Legal and policy responses, including any changes to the law
  • Incidents affecting persons in need of international protection as well as irregular migrants.