Zakon o socialnem varstvu

Social Assistance Act
Aljaž Kovačič, MP, List of Marjan Šarec (LMŠ)
Published in
Slovenia, National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia (Državni zbor Republike Slovenije)
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The parliament debated at the 21st extraordinary session, held on 25 April 2019, draft amendments to the Social Assistance Act (Zakon o socialnem varstvu), transposing provisions of the Victims’ Rights Directive related to access to victim support services. The MP made reference to the EU Charter when pledging support by his parliamentary group for passing the relevant amendments.
Quote: “Direktiva v našo zakonodajo prenaša pomembne spremembe. Poleg uveljavljanja novih pravic žrtvam kaznivih dejanj, kot je dostop do brezplačnih splošnih in specialističnih storitev za pomoč in podporo, zagotavlja tudi podporo družinskim članom žrtve. Sprejetje ali nesprejetje takšnega zakona sploh ne bi smelo biti vprašanje. Da je človekovo dostojanstvo nedotakljivo in da ga je treba spoštovati ter varovati, mora biti temeljno načelo vseh nas. Zaradi zavedanja, da temu žal ni tako in da nenasilje nad sočlovekom ni splošna vrednota vseh ljudi, je bila na ravni Evropske unije pripravljena listina o temeljnih pravicah, katere glavni namen je državljanom zagotavljati državljanske, politične, ekonomske in socialne pravice.”
Translated quote: “The directive introduces significant changes to our legislation. In addition to implementing new rights for victims of crime, such as access to free general and specialist assistance and support services, it also provides for support to the victim's family members. The adoption or non-adoption of such a law should not be a question at all. The fact that human dignity is inviolable and must be respected and protected should be a fundamental principle for all of us. Recognizing that unfortunately this is not the case, and that non-violence against fellow human beings is not a value shared by all persons , the Charter of Fundamental Rights was drafted at the European Union level, the main purpose of which is to ensure civil, political, economic and social rights for citizens.”