
FRA Director will visit the Council of Europe on 21-22 September in Strasbourg.
The annual meeting of the European Platform for Roma Inclusion takes place on 20 September.
On 17 September, FRA will speak during an expert meeting on fundamental rights in security-related legislation.
FRA’s Scientific Committee will discuss the Agency’s reports on 17 September.
FRA held a webinar on 16 September with over 50 civil society organisations from its Fundamental Rights Platform.
FRA spoke at an anniversary event of La Strada International about civic space challenges in the EU for human rights civil society organisations.
FRA presented findings from its LGBTI survey during a virtual international conference on 9 September.
FRA will hold a webinar with civil society organisations from its Fundamental Rights Platform on 16 September.
Le 14 septembre 2021, huit organisations internationales ont uni leurs efforts pour lancer un nouveau portail visant à promouvoir la coopération mondiale en matière d’intelligence artificielle (IA). Ce portail constitue une source unique pour les données, les résultats de la recherche, les cas d’utilisation et les meilleures pratiques en matière de gouvernance de l’IA.
FRA will speak at a conference on public policies related to profiling.
FRA joined an online meeting of Swedish cities, regions, and other local-level stakeholders on human rights.
FRA contributed to a discussion group on racial discrimination in access to and tenure of housing in Spain.
On 8 September, FRA took part in the kick-off meeting of the study on ‘Intersex people in the EU, a project of the European Commission’s Justice and Consumers Directorate-General.
The FRA Director was in Brussels from 1 to 3 September to present the Fundamental Rights Report 2021 to the European Parliament’s Committee for Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE).
On 6 September, FRA joined a European Parliament panel discussion on the digital services act.
FRA, together with the Public Defender of Rights and the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic will co-host a seminar on developing human rights indicators for monitoring the implementation of the Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities (CRPD).
On 2 September, FRA’s Director will present key findings from its Fundamental Rights Report 2021 at the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) of the EU Parliament.
The Young Bled Strategic Forum will host the third Fundamental Rights Dialogue. It takes place in Bled, Slovenia, on 31 August.
The year 2020 brought both progress and setbacks in terms of fundamental rights protection.