
FRA and the OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights facilitated a workshop for law enforcement officers and other relevant partners in Ireland from 26 to 27 February.
FRA provided training for Croatian border guards as part of its cooperation with the Croatian Presidency of the EU Council.
FRA will take part in the closing conference of the OSCE's Effective Criminal Justice Strategies and Practices to Combat Gender-based Violence in Eastern Europe project.
FRA will give a presentation on the agency's work to develop human rights indicators at a seminar in Helsinki.
FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty will visit the Council of Europe on 4 March in Strasbourg.
FRA will join the Council of Europe’s steering committee for human rights (CDDH) meeting.
FRA will form part of a panel discussion on international treaties and definitions related to rights and AI challenges during a workshop in Barcelona from 2 to 3 March.
On 26 February in Athens, FRA took part in the launch event of the EEA and Norway Grants Programme on capacity building of national asylum and migration management systems.
On 18 February, the FRA Director welcomed the renewed focus on the post-2020 EU initiative for Roma equality and inclusion in his speech at the 16th Meeting of the National Roma Contact Points in Brussel.
FRA joined discussions at the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Steering Committee on how commitments in OGP national action plans could better support an enabling environment for civil society.
FRA outlined the main findings from its facial recognition technology paper during a European Parliament hearing in Brussels on 20 February.
FRA, in cooperation with its Hungarian National Liaison Officer, will launch the Hungarian translation of its handbook on European data protection law.
FRA findings show that the Charter is not yet used to its full potential.
The EU Justice Commissioner, Didier Reynders, will visit FRA on 21 February, for the first time.
FRA’s Director Michael O’Flaherty will meet with Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir, the Director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights in Vienna on 21 February.
La criminalité porte atteinte aux droits fondamentaux des personnes. Par conséquent, les victimes ont le droit de faire appel à la justice pénale. La journée européenne des victimes de la criminalité, qui a lieu le 22 février, permet d’étudier les garanties offertes par les États membres en matière de protection des droits des victimes.
Article d'actualité
Poor conditions in overcrowded receptions centres and violence against migrants are some of the main concerns the EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) identifies in its latest migration quarterly report. An increase in arrivals of asylum seekers in Cyprus, Greece and Spain leads to further delays in processing asylum applications.
The FRA Director will speak together with EU Equality Commissioner Dalli during the opening of the annual meeting of the National Roma Contact Points.
The European Commission is exploring the possibility of establishing an EU Child Guarantee.
In the latest edition of his video blog, FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty speaks about the publication of FRA's second LGBTI-survey on the 17th of March and how we can use the results to further battle discrimination.