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Joint paper on Agencies’ contribution to EU Solidarity with Ukraine

In August 2022, the nine EU Agencies cooperating within the Justice and Home Affairs Agencies’ Network published a joint paper on how they have been supporting EU Member States and institutions in responding to the Russian military aggression against Ukraine and helping people affected and displaced by the war.

The agencies published an update of the paper, covering the period February 2022 - February 2023 on 31 March.

The Agencies’ responses cover a broad spectrum of activities. These ranging from actions on the ground to those in cyberspace. The actions included: producing targeted analytical products and reports; identifying key fundamental rights challenges and ways to overcome them; providing operational support to investigations of core international crimes allegedly committed in Ukraine; providing operational support to national authorities, with a particular emphasis on Member States bordering Ukraine and Moldova.

The nine agencies are: CEPOLEIGEEMCDDAEUAAeu-LISAEurojustEuropolFRA and Frontex.