
Policing Racist Crime and Violence

The report on "Policing Racist Crime and Violence" is based on information collected by the Agency's National Focal Points. The report examines police recording practices, responses to victims of racist crimes, training provided to the police and their engagement with civil society. The emerging data reveals that only two Member States systematically encourage reporting of racist incidents. International police coordination and cooperation with NGOs could be enhanced, while police training is not specific enough to equip officers to tackle racist crime effectively.

In September 2005, the Agency released a new comparative analysis of police responses to racist crime and violence in the European Union. The report finds that only a few Member States have procedures and mechanisms in place that allow for the police forces to deal with racist crime effectively. The Agency suggests a number of initiatives at EU and Member State level to ensure that victims of racism receive the adequate support from the police and that racist crime does not go unpunished.

The information for this new report was collected by the Agency's National Focal Points. The report examines police recording practices, responses to victims of racist crimes, training provided to the police and their engagement with civil society. The emerging data reveals that only two Member States systematically encourage reporting of racist incidents. International police coordination and cooperation with NGOs could be enhanced, while police training is not specific enough to equip officers to tackle racist crime effectively.