16 April 2021

Committing to human rights at the Samos migration centre

FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty visited the island of Samos, Greece, in April 2021 to get a sense of the reception facilities there. In this video, he acknowledges the efforts being made to improve facilities. He offers the Agency’s continued commitment to support these supports. As an example, he refers to FRA’s guidance on respecting fundamental rights at such facilities that could benefit both migrants and locals.


Michael O'Flaherty: Today, I am on the island of Samos in Greece and right now I am at the Vathy migration centre.

Everybody agrees that the conditions up there are totally unacceptable.

That’s why, we at the Fundamental Rights Agency appreciate the efforts of the authorities, supported by the European Union, to put in place better facilities.

This is the opportunity to deliver on the human and fundamental rights commitments that we have entered into.

The Fundamental Rights Agency will support these efforts, including through the production of a set of 12 principles which, if honoured, will help the authorities deliver on that goal.

We can get it right.

We can receive migrants in our societies in a way that honours their human rights but also those of the local populations.