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FRA gave a presentation at an expert legal workshop on the right to know – access to classified data in immigration cases.
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FRA took part in an online roundtable exploring the EU’s response to the situation in Afghanistan and its migration-related implications.
FRA held a webinar with its civil society network, the Fundamental Rights Platform to present its ‘Protecting civic space in the EU’ report.
On 28 September, FRA issued an update of its data on the accreditation status and mandates of National Human Rights Institutions.
FRA’s Management Board elected Rick Lawson as its new Vice-Chair on 24 September. He will take office on 11 October.
FRA helped train eu-LISA staff on the fundamental rights implications of large-scale EU IT-systems.
Staff from intergovernmental organisations and EU institutions responsible for cooperation with civil society and for supporting human rights defenders met online on 23 September.
FRA’s Director was in France to discuss topical human rights issues and to explore continued cooperation, in particular during the upcoming French Presidency of the EU.
Allegations for the treatment of migrants at EU borders and difficult conditions in detention and reception centres remain a persistent concern, finds the latest migration bulletin from the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA).
FRA hosted three stakeholder meetings from 22 to 23 September in relation to fair policing.