
On 4 June, FRA will discuss the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the justice system and on detainees with EU Justice Ministers.
FRA is producing practical guidance (’dos’ and ‘don’ts’) for border guards on how to fully comply with fundamental rights when controlling the EU’s external land borders.
The 2018 edition of the Handbook on European data protection law is now also available online in Croatian.
On 26 May, FRA presented key fundamental rights considerations emerging from the second edition of its COVID-19 Bulletin during a webinar on privacy and using technology to control the pandemic.
On 27 May, FRA participated in the annual EEA and Norway Grants International Partner Organisations meeting.
FRA discussed the main findings of its relocating unaccompanied children report with its civil society cooperation network, the Fundamental Rights Platform, in a targeted online meeting on 28 May.
De nombreux gouvernements sont à la recherche de technologies susceptibles de les aider à suivre et tracer la diffusion de la COVID-19, comme le montre un nouveau rapport de l’Agence des droits fondamentaux de l’UE (FRA). Les gouvernements qui utilisent la technologie pour protéger la santé publique et surmonter la pandémie se doivent de respecter les droits fondamentaux de chacun.
La surpopulation dans des centres d’accueil qui n’offrent aucune possibilité de pratiquer la distanciation physique ou de respecter les mesures d’hygiène est l’un des principaux sujets d’inquiétude mis en évidence par l’Agence des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne (FRA) dans son dernier bulletin trimestriel sur la migration. Dans le même temps, la fermeture des frontières multiplie les difficultés pour les réfugiés désireux de pénétrer dans l’UE afin d’y trouver la sécurité et en laisse certains à l’abandon, bloqués en mer. La suspension des procédures d’asile laisse bon nombre d’entre eux dans une totale incertitude.
The FRA Director will join a Facebook live meeting on 26 May to discuss the situation of fundamental rights in Europe.
FRA will take part in discussions during the EU’s high-level group on non-discrimination, equality and diversity on 26 May.
In this vlog Michael O'Flaherty outlines fundamental rights considerations when developing technological responses to public health, as he introduces the focus of FRA's next COVID-19 bulletin.
On 25-26 May, FRA will host the second meeting of the relaunched Roma Working Party.
The FRA Director will address the Bureau of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) on 19 May.
On 19 May, the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI), European Network of Equality Bodies (Equinet) and FRA will hold the fourth annual Principals meeting.
On 18 May, FRA will take part in an online meeting with representatives of different European Commission Directorates-General and EU Agencies to update each other on ongoing child rights work.
FRA will join a video conference on 18 May to mark the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia.
We, the Diplomatic Missions of Albania, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Montenegro, the Netherlands, New Zealand, North Macedonia, Norway, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, the United States, Uruguay, as well as the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, the EU Delegation to the International Organisations in Vienna, UN GLOBE Vienna and the Vienna School of International Studies, welcome the 17th May as the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, as a celebration of diversity and inclusion around the world.
Today, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights launches the second LGBTI survey, mapping the experience of what it is to be LGBTI in the EU.
On 14 May, FRA will publish findings from its second LGBTI survey. It was the world's biggest ever EU-wide survey of LGBTI people’s discrimination and hate experiences.