
Fundamental Rights Report 2019: Implementing fundamental and human rights helps create a sustainable future.
Here the EU plays a key role.
Michael O’Flaherty
Those of us who care about human rights, including of LGBTI persons, need to be outraged and cry out in defence of what has been achieved so far. There are those who would dismantle the human rights protection system – what has been called modernity’s greatest achievement. Wake up to that, wake up to the threat, wake up to the risk. As the late Stephane Hessel put it, it is time to ‘Indignez vous’, in French, which means ‘get indignant’. And let’s marshal that indignation into smart campaigns that cannot be ignored.
In this video blog Michael O'Flaherty focuses on EuroPride and the need to stand up for the fundamental rights of the LGBTIQ community.
Selon le rapport sur les droits fondamentaux 2019 de la FRA, de nombreuses personnes dans l’UE risquent d’être laissées pour compte, car l’intolérance croissante et les atteintes aux droits fondamentaux des personnes continuent à éroder les progrès considérables accomplis jusqu’ici.
Michael O’Flaherty
FRA Director's speech to a high-level Romanian Presidency conference on the role and status of women in modern society: Between empowerment, leadership and gender discrimination given on 29 May 2019 in Bucharest.
In the latest edition of his video blog, FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty focuses on press freedom and the importance of an independent media for the society.
Michael O'Flaherty
Speech by the FRA Director, Michael O’Flaherty, at the 2019 Sheehy Skeffington School on Social Justice and Human Rights, Dublin, 10 May 2019.
Michael O’Flaherty
Speech during a UN panel debate in Geneva on Media for democracy: Journalism and Elections in Times of Disinformation to mark World Press Freedom Day on 3 May 2019.
Karoline Edtstadler, State Secretary at the Austrian Ministry of the Interior, and Ariel Muzicant, Vice-President of the European Jewish Congress, will speak at an event in Vienna on 30 April which addresses antisemitism in Austria.
Michael O'Flaherty
Speech by the FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty on fundamental rights and the EU during the panel debate at the 134th Plenary Session of the Committee of the Regions, 11 April 2019.
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Les États membres doivent redoubler d’efforts pour protéger les victimes de violences, estime l’Agence des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne (FRA). Ses derniers rapports s’interrogent sur les garanties actuelles qui défendent les droits des personnes en quête de justice. La FRA appelle la police, les services de soutien, les procureurs et les tribunaux à prendre des mesures concrètes.
In the latest edition of his video blog, FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty talks about discrimination on the basis of age in the EU and calls for more respect for Human- and Fundamental Rights of older people.
In the light of the events in New Zealand, Michael O'Flaherty talks about discrimination and hate crime against Muslims in the EU and makes 4 proposals on how to make Muslims feel more safe.
Michael O'Flaherty
Speech by the FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty at the 47th European Conference of Presidents of Bar Associations and Law Societies in Vienna on 1 March focusing on rule of law.
Michael O’Flaherty
Remarks by Michael O’Flaherty, FRA Director, at the informal meeting of European ministers responsible for people with disabilities, Paris, 14 March 2019
Michael O'Flaherty focuses on European values in the context of the 10th anniversary of the Charter of Fundamental Rights.
Michael O'Flaherty
Many different actors are currently working on strategies, recommendations and guidelines on Artificial Intelligence but as we proceed to navigate this field I would emphasise the extraordinary importance of working together. Within the normative frame of human rights, we have to bring together different stakeholders and different expertise to get it right. Artificial intelligence can serve as a game-changing tool in the combat of corrosive hate speech. Let’s not miss, or worse abuse, this invaluable opportunity. ** CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY **
Michael O'Flaherty
Speech by the FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty to the European Parliament's LIBE Committee, 20 November 2018, as part of the European Parliament’s Human Rights Week marking the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Michael O'Flaherty focuses on the situation of the Jewish community living in the EU.