
Second survey on discrimination and hate crime against Jews in EU Member States - Technical report

This technical report presents in detail all the stages
of the survey and the relevant information needed to
assess the quality and reliability of the data, as well
as considerations for interpreting the survey results.
The following chapters of the report cover the procedures
used in the development and administration
of the survey.

The first three chapters of the report describe and assess the different stages of developing the methodological design of the survey such as the development of the questionnaire and the online survey platform (Chapter 1) and the translation process (Chapter 2).

The survey was tested before the main stage fieldwork in countries which had not been covered in the 2012 survey, to collect feedback on the usability of the online survey tool and all fieldwork materials. A summary of the usability testing report is available in Chapter 3.

Chapter 4 describes the main stage fieldwork with details concerning the achieved sample as well as fieldwork progress, quality-control procedures and outcomes (Chapter 5).

Chapter 6 discusses the quality of the samples achieved and approaches taken regarding the weighting of the survey data.

Chapter 7 provides a summary of the background research and awarenessraising activities. The final chapter summarises the lessons learned for future surveys.