
Charte des droits fondamentaux de l'Union européenne

Article 19 - Protection en cas d'éloignement, d'expulsion et d'extradition

Article 19 - Protection en cas d'éloignement, d'expulsion et d'extradition

1. Les expulsions collectives sont interdites.
2. Nul ne peut être éloigné, expulsé ou extradé vers un État où il existe un risque sérieux qu'il soit soumis à la peine de mort, à la torture ou à d'autres peines ou traitements inhumains ou dégradants.

  • Texte:

    Le paragraphe 1 de cet article a le même sens et la même portée que l'article 4 du protocole additionnel no 4 à la CEDH en ce qui concerne les expulsions collectives. Il vise à garantir que chaque décision fait l'objet d'un examen spécifique et que l'on ne pourra décider par une mesure unique d'expulser toutes les personnes ayant la nationalité d'un État déterminé (voir aussi l'article 13 du Pacte sur les droits civils et politiques).
    Le paragraphe 2 incorpore la jurisprudence pertinente de la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme relative à l'article 3 de la CEDH (voir Ahmed c. Autriche, arrêt du 17 décembre 1996, rec. 1996-VI, p. 2206 et Soering, arrêt du 7 Juillet 1989).

    Journal officiel de l'Union européenne C 303/17 - 14.12.2007
    Preamble - Explanations relating to the Charter of Fundamental Rights:
    Les explications qui figurent ci-après ont été établies initialement sous la responsabilité du praesidium de la Convention qui a élaboré la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l'Union européenne. Elles ont été mises à jour sous la responsabilité du praesidium de la Convention européenne, compte tenu des adaptations apportées au texte de la Charte par ladite Convention (notamment aux articles 51 et 52) et de l'évolution du droit de l'Union. Bien que ces explications n'aient pas en soi de valeur juridique, elles constituent un outil d'interprétation précieux destiné à éclairer les dispositions de la Charte.
  • M and Others v Staatssecretaris van Justitie en Veiligheid and T.
    Decision date:
    Deciding body type:
    Court of Justice of the European Union
    Deciding body:
    Court (Fifth Chamber)
    Policy area:
    Asylum and migration
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
  • Proceedings relating to the extradition of BY
    Decision date:
    Deciding body type:
    Court of Justice of the European Union
    Deciding body:
    Court (Grand Chamber)
    Policy area:
    Irregular migration and return
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
  • B. v Centre public d'action sociale de Líège (CPAS)
    Decision date:
    Deciding body type:
    Court of Justice of the European Union
    Deciding body:
    Court (First Chamber)
    Policy area:
    Justice, freedom and security
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
  • LM v Centre public d'action sociale de Seraing
    Decision date:
    Deciding body type:
    Court of Justice of the European Union
    Deciding body:
    Court (First Chamber)
    Policy area:
    Justice, freedom and security
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
  • B. v Centre public d'action sociale de Líège (CPAS)
    Decision date:
    Deciding body type:
    Court of Justice of the European Union
    Deciding body:
    Advocate General
    Policy area:
    Justice, freedom and security
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
  • FMS and Others v Országos Idegenrendészeti Főigazgatóság Dél-alföldi Regionális Igazgatóság and Országos Idegenrendészeti Főigazgatóság
    Decision date:
    Deciding body type:
    Court of Justice of the European Union
    Deciding body:
    Court (Grand Chamber)
    Policy area:
    Asylum and migration
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
  • I.N.
    Decision date:
    Deciding body type:
    National Court/Tribunal
    Deciding body:
    Supreme Court
    Policy area:
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
  • Ruska Federacija v I.N
    Decision date:
    Deciding body type:
    Court of Justice of the European Union
    Deciding body:
    Court (Grand Chamber)
    Policy area:
    Asylum and migration
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
  • Ruska Federacija v I.N
    Decision date:
    Deciding body type:
    Court of Justice of the European Union
    Deciding body:
    Advocate General
    Policy area:
    Asylum and migration
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
  • N.D. and N.T. v. Spain
    Decision date:
    Deciding body type:
    European Court of Human Rights
    Deciding body:
    Court (Grand Chamber)
    Policy area:
    Irregular migration and return
    ECLI (European case law identifier):

47 results found

  • Latvijas Republikas Satversme

    98. Ikvienam ir tiesības brīvi izbraukt no Latvijas. Ikviens, kam ir Latvijas pase, ārpus Latvijas atrodas valsts aizsardzībā, un viņam ir tiesības brīvi atgriezties Latvijā. Latvijas pilsoni nevar izdot ārvalstīm, izņemot Saeimas apstiprinātajos starptautiskajos līgumos paredzētos gadījumus, ja ar izdošanu netiek pārkāptas Satversmē noteiktās cilvēka pamattiesības.

  • Constitution of the Republic of Latvia

    98. Everyone has the right to freely depart from Latvia. Everyone having a Latvian passport shall be protected by the State when abroad and has the right to freely return to Latvia. A citizen of Latvia may not be extradited to a foreign country, except in the cases provided for in international agreements ratified by the Saeima if by the extradition the basic human rights specified in the Constitution are not violated.

  • Constitution of the Italian Republic

    Art. 10 (…) A foreigner may not be extradited for a political offence. Art. 26. Extradition of a citizen may be granted only if it is expressly envisaged by international conventions. In any case, extradition may not be permitted for political offences.

  • Costituzione della Repubblica Italiana

    Art. 10 (...) Non è ammessa l'estradizione dello straniero per reati politici. Art. 26 L'estradizione del cittadino può essere consentita soltanto ove sia espressamente prevista dalle convenzioni internazionali. Non può in alcun caso essere ammessa per reati politici.

  • Refugee Act 1996 (as amended)

    5. (1) A person shall not be expelled from the State or returned in any manner whatsoever to the frontiers of territories where, in the opinion of the Minister, the life or freedom of that person would be threatened on account of his or her race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion (2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), a person's freedom shall be regarded as being threatened if, inter alia, in the opinion of the Minister, the person is likely to be subject to a serious assault (including a serious assault of a sexual nature).The above act has been amended many times. There is now a Bill intended to consolidate and replace existing legislation. The Bill in its present proposed form is as follows:

  • Magyarország Alaptörvénye

    XIV. cikk (SZABADSÁG ÉS FELELŐSSÉG)(1) Magyar állampolgár Magyarország területéről nem utasítható ki, és külföldről bármikor hazatérhet. Magyarország területén tartózkodó külföldit csak törvényes határozat alapján lehet kiutasítani. Tilos a csoportos kiutasítás. (2) Senki nem utasítható ki olyan államba, vagy nem adható ki olyan államnak, ahol az a veszély fenyegeti, hogy halálra ítélik, kínozzák vagy más embertelen bánásmódnak, büntetésnek vetik alá. […]

  • The Fundamental Law of Hungary

    Article XIV (Freedom and Responsibility) (1) Hungarian citizens shall not be expelled from the territory of Hungary and may return from
    abroad at any time. Foreigners staying in the territory of Hungary may only be expelled
    on the basis of a lawful decision. Collective expulsion shall be prohibited.
    (2) No one shall be expelled or extradited to a State where there is a risk that he or she would be sentenced to death, tortured or subjected to other inhuman treatment or punishment. […]

  • Constitution of the Hellenic Republic

    Article 5 (2) All persons living within the Greek territory shall enjoy full protection of their life, honour and liberty irrespective of nationality, race or language and of religious or political beliefs. Exceptions shall be permitted only in cases provided by international law. The extradition of aliens prosecuted for their action as freedom-fighters shall be prohibited.

  • Το Σύνταγμα της Ελλάδας

    Άρθρο 5 (2). Όλoι όσoι βρίσκoνται στην Eλληνική Eπικράτεια απoλαμβάνoυν την απόλυτη πρoστασία της ζωής, της τιμής και της ελευθερίας τoυς, χωρίς διάκριση εθνικότητας, φυλής, γλώσσας και θρησκευτικών ή πoλιτικών πεπoιθήσεων. Eξαιρέσεις επιτρέπoνται στις περιπτώσεις πoυ πρoβλέπει τo διεθνές δίκαιo. Aπαγoρεύεται η έκδoση αλλoδαπoύ πoυ διώκεται για τη δράση τoυ υπέρ της ελευθερίας

  • Act concerning the Entry and Residence of Aliens in the Territory of the Federal Republic

     Sec.51 - Prohibition against expelling victims of political persecution(1) An alien may not be expelled to a State in which his life or freedom is threatened by reason of his race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or his political convictions.(2) The conditions laid down in paragraph 1 will be deemed to exist in the case of 1. persons with the right of asylum (...)Sec.52 - Expulsion in cases of possible political persecutionSection 51 will apply, mutatis mutandis, to aliens who have made an admissible request for asylum, as long as the request has not been finally rejected or dismissed as groundless, or has not been withdrawn.Sec.53 - Grounds for refusing to expel(1) An alien may not be expelled to a State in which there is actual danger of his being subjected to torture. (...)(3) Where another State has made a formal request for extradition, or for arrest in connection with notification of a request for extradition, the alien may not be expelled to that State until a decision has been made on the extradition.(4) An alien may not be expelled if the expulsion is inadmissible under the Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, of 4 November 1950 (BGBl. 1952 II, p. 686).(5) A general risk that an alien may be threatened with criminal prosecution and punishment in another State and, unless otherwise determined by paragraphs 1 to 4, a specific risk of a statutory penalty pursuant to the laws of another State, will not constitute a bar to expulsion.(6) The expulsion of an alien to another State may be waived if there is considerable actual risk to the person, the life or the freedom of the alien in that State. Risks in that State to which the population or population group to which the alien belongs are in general exposed, will be taken into account when decisions are made under section 54.

  • Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany

    Article 16 (...) (2) No German may be extradited to a foreign country. The law may provide otherwise for extraditions to a member state of the European Union or to an international court, provided that the rule of law is observed. Article 16a  (1) Persons persecuted on political grounds shall have the right of asylum. (2) Paragraph (1) of this Article may not be invoked by a person who enters the federal territory from a member state of the European Communities or from another third state in which application of the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms is assured. The states outside the European Communities to which the criteria of the first sentence of this paragraph apply shall be specified by a law requiring the consent of the Bundesrat. In the cases specified in the first sentence of this paragraph, measures to terminate an applicant’s stay may be implemented without regard to any legal challenge that may have been instituted against them. (3) By a law requiring the consent of the Bundesrat, states may be specified in which, on the basis of their laws, enforcement practices and general political conditions, it can be safely concluded that neither political persecution nor inhuman or degrading punishment or treatment exists. It shall be presumed that a foreigner from such a state is not persecuted, unless he presents evidence justifying the conclusion that, contrary to this presumption, he is persecuted on political grounds.

  • Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland

    Artikel 16 (...) (2) Kein Deutscher darf an das Ausland ausgeliefert werden. Durch Gesetz kann eine abweichende Regelung für Auslieferungen an einen Mitgliedstaat der Europäischen Union oder an einen internationalen Gerichtshof getroffen werden, soweit rechtsstaatliche Grundsätze gewahrt sind. Artikel 16a (1) Politisch Verfolgte genießen Asylrecht. (2) Auf Absatz 1 kann sich nicht berufen, wer aus einem Mitgliedstaat der Europäischen Gemeinschaften oder aus einem anderen Drittstaat einreist, in dem die Anwendung des Abkommens über die Rechtsstellung der Flüchtlinge und der Konvention zum Schutze der Menschenrechte und Grundfreiheiten sichergestellt ist. Die Staaten außerhalb der Europäischen Gemeinschaften, auf die die Voraussetzungen des Satzes 1 zutreffen, werden durch Gesetz, das der Zustimmung des Bundesrates bedarf, bestimmt. In den Fällen des Satzes 1 können aufenthaltsbeendende Maßnahmen unabhängig von einem hiergegen eingelegten Rechtsbehelf vollzogen werden. (3) Durch Gesetz, das der Zustimmung des Bundesrates bedarf, können Staaten bestimmt werden, bei denen auf Grund der Rechtslage, der Rechtsanwendung und der allgemeinen politischen Verhältnisse gewährleistet erscheint, daß dort weder politische Verfolgung noch unmenschliche oder erniedrigende Bestrafung oder Behandlung stattfindet. Es wird vermutet, daß ein Ausländer aus einem solchen Staat nicht verfolgt wird, solange er nicht Tatsachen vorträgt, die die Annahme begründen, daß er entgegen dieser Vermutung politisch verfolgt wird.

  • Constitution of Finland

    Section 9 Freedom of movement (...) Finnish citizens shall not be prevented from entering Finland or deported or extradited or tranferred from Finland to another country against their will. However, it may be laid down by an Act that due to a criminal act, for the purpose of legal proceedings, or in order to enforce a decision concerning the custody or care of a child, a Finnish citizen can be extradited or transferred to a country in which his or her human rights and legal protection are guaranteed. The right of foreigners to enter Finland and to remain in the country is regulated by an Act. A foreigner shall not be deported, extradited or returned to another country, if in consequence he or she is in danger of a death sentence, torture or other treatment violating human dignity.

  • Suomen perustuslaki

    9 § Liikkumisvapaus (...) Suomen kansalaista ei saa estää saapumasta maahan, karkottaa maasta eikä vastoin tahtoaan luovuttaa tai siirtää toiseen maahan. Lailla voidaan kuitenkin säätää, että Suomen kansalainen voidaan rikoksen johdosta tai oikeudenkäyntiä varten taikka lapsen huoltoa tai hoitoa koskevan päätöksen täytäntöönpanemiseksi luovuttaa tai siirtää maahan, jossa hänen ihmisoikeutensa ja oikeusturvansa on taattu. Ulkomaalaisen oikeudesta tulla Suomeen ja oleskella maassa säädetään lailla. Ulkomaalaista ei saa karkottaa, luovuttaa tai palauttaa, jos häntä tämän vuoksi uhkaa kuolemanrangaistus, kidutus tai muu ihmisarvoa loukkaava kohtelu.

  • Constitution of the Republic of Estonia

    Article 36. No citizen of Estonia may be expelled from Estonia or prevented from settling in Estonia.
    No citizen of Estonia may be extradited to a foreign state, except under conditions prescribed by an international treaty and pursuant to a procedure provided by such treaty and by law. Extraditions are decided by the Government of the Republic. Any person who is subject to an extradition order has the right to challenge this order in an Estonian court.
    Every Estonian is entitled to settle in Estonia.

  • Eesti Vabariigi Põhiseadus

    § 36. Ühtki Eesti kodanikku ei tohi Eestist välja saata ega takistada Eestisse asumast. Ühtki Eesti kodanikku ei tohi välisriigile välja anda muidu, kui välislepingus ettenähtud juhtudel ning vastavas lepingus ja seaduses sätestatud korras. Väljaandmise otsustab Vabariigi Valitsus. Igal väljaantaval on õigus vaidlustada väljaandmine Eesti kohtus. Igal eestlasel on õigus asuda Eestisse.

  • Bekendtgørelse af udlændingeloven

    § 31. En udlænding må ikke udsendes til et land, hvor den pågældende risikerer dødsstraf eller at blive underkastet tortur eller umenneskelig eller nedværdigende behandling eller straf, eller hvor udlændingen ikke er beskyttet mod videresendelse til et sådant land. (...)

  • Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus

    Appendix D: Part 02 – Fundamental Rights and LibertiesArticle 14 No citizen shall be banished or excluded from the Republic under any circumstances.

  • Το Σύνταγμα

    MΕΡΟΣ 02: Περί των Θεμελιωδών Δικαιωμάτων και Ελευθεριών ΑΡΘΡΟΝ 14br> Ουδενός πολίτου απαγορεύεται η είσοδος εις την Δημοκρατίαν ουδ’ επιτρέπεται η εξορία υφ’ οιασδήποτε περιστάσεις.

  • Constitution of the Republic of Croatia

    Article 9
    (2)A citizen of the Republic of Croatia may not be forcibly exiled from the Republic of Croatia
    nor deprived of citizenship, nor extradited to another state, except in case of execution of a
    decision on extradition or surrender made in compliance with international treaty or the acquis
    communautaire of the European Union.

    Article 33
    (2) No alien legally in the territory of the Republic of Croatia shall be banished or extradited to another state, except in cases of enforcement of decisions made in compliance with an international treaty or law.

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