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753 Events found

FRA event
On 23 June, FRA will host an online information session for national authorities.
The Swedish Presidency of the Council of the EU will convene experts from Member States, EU institutions and other stakeholders for the Stockholm Symposium on Democracy and the Rule of Law.
External event
On 20 June, FRA will present its annual fundamental rights report to the Council Working Party on Fundamental Rights, Citizens Rights and Free Movement of Persons (FREMP).
The EU Framework for the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities CRPD will hold its second annual meeting in Brussels on 19 June.
On 21 June, FRA will welcome a delegation from the Serbian judiciary.
On 15 June, FRA will deliver a keynote speech at a symposium organised by the regional group of the German Association of Youth Court Assistants.
FRA will take part in a series of seminars organised by the Council of Europe introducing their HELP course on procedural rights for lawyers in Bulgaria and Greece.
The International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) invited FRA to present how to use the EU’s Fundamental Rights Charter in litigating judicial independence and related issues. This includes the use of FRA tools and materials.
FRA will join round-table discussions on Roma inclusion and empowerment in Romania
On 12 June, FRA attends a mid-term progress review of the ‘Protecting victims of crime’ project.