Événements passés

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762 Events found

The Council of Europe will host a networking conference in Strasbourg from 29 February to 1 March for its Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (HELP) programme.
FRA will attend a Ministerial Meeting of the EU Internet Forum. This event will allow participants to exchange views on how to adapt responses to new circumstances in the field of AI.
Victim Support Europe will host an event to mark European Day for Victims of Crime. The ‘Leave no one behind: Victims’ Rights and the Sustainable Development Goals’ symposium aims to spotlight the connection between victims' rights and the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
FRA will host the closing conference of its EEA and Norway Grants-funded regional cooperation project ‘Supporting National Human Rights Institutions in monitoring fundamental rights and the fundamental rights aspects of the rule of law’. The event takes place in Brussels from 21 to 22 February.
Between 21 and 23 February, FRA will take part in train-the-trainer sessions in Romania on tackling hate crime. The event is aimed at prosecutors, law enforcement and other relevant professionals.
FRA will present findings from its ‘Being Black in the EU - experiences of people of African descent’ report at an online event in Ireland. The event takes place on 15 February.
FRA will present its Draft Programming Document 2025-2027 to the Council of the EU’s Working Party on Fundamental Rights, Citizen’s Rights and Free Movement of Persons (FREMP) on 30 January in Brussels.
FRA will give an online presentation on its work and activities to a delegation of Turkish authorities on 25 January.
FRA event
The Agency’s Executive Board and Management Board will meet from 13 to 15 December.
The CharterXchange is a forum for legal practitioners and stakeholders to explore current and potential applications of the EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights and its role in driving positive changes for people’s rights. It will convene annually in December.