
FRA will speak on 22 June during an online workshop on human rights-based public services.
The European Guardianship Network will discuss on 22 June the training materials for guardians that FRA and its contractor Defence for Children International Italy are developing. The draft manual targets trainers of guardians. The content covers ten modules.
FRA will host a national round-table discussion on 21 June on the role of the Fundamental Rights Charter in the EU. The European Commission Representation in Malta is FRA’s partner for the event.
On World Refugee Day on 20 June, the Council of Europe and the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) are joining forces to strengthen their cooperation on human rights protection at the European borders.
So far this year, almost five people per day on average died crossing the Mediterranean Sea to reach Europe, estimates the International Organization for Migration. Ahead of World Refugee Day 2021, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights points to ongoing difficulties facing civil society rescue efforts in the Mediterranean, complicated by the Covid-19 pandemic.
FRA invites Slovenian civil society organisations active in its civil society network, the Fundamental Rights Platform (FRP), for an online exchange on 18 June.
FRA will introduce findings from its Getting the future rights – artificial intelligence and fundamental rights report during the ENISA Annual Privacy Forum.
FRA will take part in a meeting of the European Commission’s subgroup on national action plans against racism.
On 17 June, FRA meets with Roma and pro-Roma civil society, as part of its civil society cooperation mechanism, the Fundamental Rights Platform.
On 16 June, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights publishes the seventh of its bulletins on the fundamental rights impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. In his vlog FRA Director draws attention to fundamental rights issues related to the roll out of the vaccines in the EU 27 Member States.
Les campagnes de vaccination commencent à porter leurs fruits dans la lutte mondiale contre la pandémie de COVID-19. Cependant, certains pays connaissent des revers. Selon le dernier bulletin de l’Agence des droits fondamentaux (FRA) sur le coronavirus, ce sont en particulier les personnes en situation de vulnérabilité, telles que les détenus, les sans-abri et les migrants, qui risquent d’être laissées pour compte dans le déploiement de la vaccination contre la COVID-19. La FRA en appelle aux pays de l’UE afin qu’ils garantissent un accès aux vaccins équitable et égal pour tous.
On 16 June, Spain’s Ministry of Justice, in cooperation with FRA, will launch a cycle of conferences on the application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. They aim to improve the knowledge of the Charter among legal actors in Spain, so that the Charter is duly applied in the country.
FRA’s Director will take part in the annual structured dialogue between the European Parliament’s Employment Committee and Helena Dalli, EU Equality Commissioner.
FRA will join a seminar on Artificial Intelligence as part of the EU Justice and Home Affairs Agencies Network. Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, hosts the seminar.
On 15 June, FRA will take part in an online round table discussion on research into people’s attitudes concerning fundamental rights. The Ministry of Justice of Finland organises the event.
FRA will host a virtual seminar for legal staff of several ministries of the Slovenian government in the run-up to Slovenia’s Presidency of the Council of the EU. It aims at setting out the relevance and role of the EU’s Fundamental Rights Charter at the EU and national level.
FRA gave online training to 40 representatives of small-sized, grassroots and local human rights NGOs on communication strategies and campaigning.
The yearly joint FRA-European Judicial Training Network training on the EU Fundamental Rights Charter in national proceedings took place from 7 to 8 June.
The annual European Judicial Training Network study visit of judges and prosecutors to FRA this year went virtual.
FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty and the Council of Europe Secretary General Marija Pejčinović Burić held wide-ranging talks on 10 June in Vienna.