
Michael O’Flaherty
FRA Director, Michael O’Flaherty delivers a keynote to the opening plenary of the OSCE Human Dimension Conference in Warsaw on 2 October.
The Annual General Meeting of FRA’s Fundamental Rights Platform will take place online on 2 October.
FRA Director will be a keynote speaker at the 2023 OSCE Warsaw Human Dimension Conference Council on 2 October in Warsaw.
The meeting will take place online on Monday 2 October 2023 from 11:00-15:30 CEST.
FRA's Executive Board and Management Board will convene on 29 September.
L’ampleur des déplacements résultant de l’agression de la Russie contre l’Ukraine est immense. Sur les 4 millions de personnes déplacées bénéficiant d’une protection temporaire dans l’Union européenne, 1,3 million sont des enfants. Le dernier bulletin de l’Agence des droits fondamentaux de l’UE (FRA) sur l’Ukraine examine l’impact de la guerre sur les droits fondamentaux de ces enfants, les problèmes pratiques qu’ils rencontrent et les solutions possibles pour servir leur intérêt supérieur. Il met en lumière des situations précises dans lesquelles les besoins des enfants ne sont pas satisfaits, ni leurs droits pleinement respectés, protégés ou mis en œuvre.
A Collaborative Platform on Social and Economic Rights will meet to discuss realising social rights in the age of digitalisation.
On 19 September, FRA delivered a presentation on fundamental rights for Europol’s guest officers who will be deployed in Cyprus, Greece, Romania, and Slovakia.
FRA contributed to the training of Schengen evaluators in the field of return and management of external borders.
Article d'actualité
On 27 September, FRA took part in an international conference on migration challenges in the EU.
Article d'actualité
On 26 September, FRA attended the plenary meeting of the EU Migration Preparedness and Crisis Blueprint.
Michael O’Flaherty
A strongly human rights compliant, human rights respectful AI, that ultimately supports human development is going to be the most trustworthy AI. Trusted by consumers, by citizens, by everybody, says FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty in his talk on protecting human rights in the digital age at the IIEA in Dublin on 26 September. He discusses the implications of AI for human rights, the new AI Act, as well as the wider challenges facing human rights standards in an age of rapid digitalisation.
On 18 September, FRA took part in roundtable discussions on establishing a National Human Rights Institution (NHRI) in Czechia.
FRA took part in the 12th meeting of the national child guarantee coordinators. The European Commission held the meeting on 21 September.
FRA delivered a keynote speech at the opening of the German Society for Evaluation’s annual conference.
On 11 September, the Secretariat of the Council of the EU hosted a training session on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights for Justice and Home Affairs Councillors.
FRA took part in the Digital Human Rights Tracking Tools and Databases Expert Roundtable online. The Geneva Human Rights Platform held the meeting on 14 and 15 September.
FRA attended the International Organization for Migration's International exchange on access to justice for migrant workers subject to labour exploitation.
On 20 September, FRA will take part in a roundtable meeting in Sofia on establishing national independent mechanisms to monitor fundamental rights compliance at EU external borders.
FRA joined the OECD’s Civic Space Advisory Group meeting on 8 September.