
FRA held an information session for national authorities on the FRA’s report on EU funds: Ensuring compliance with fundamental rights.
FRA contributed to the annual meeting of the EU Temporary Relocation Platform. The Platform, an initiative of the European Commission, is a network of entities engaged in temporary relocation of at-risk human rights defenders.
FRA joined working meetings on establishing the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS). FRA is a member of the ETIAS Fundamental Rights Guidance Board, set up under the Regulation.
The Council of Europe held a National Preventative Mechanisms Forum on 4 and 5 June in Strasbourg. FRA presented its Criminal Detention Database. It also participated in discussions on the detention of vulnerable people and migrants.
FRA presented its report on greenwashing to the Council of Europe’s Committee on Social Affairs, Health, and Sustainable Development of the Parliamentary Assembly.
FRA delivered training on EU return laws and related case law of the EU’s Court of Justice at a training event for administrative judges in Budapest. The training took place on 30 May at the Hungarian Judicial Academy.
FRA will attend the 12th meeting of the EU High-Level group on combating hate speech and hate crime. The event is jointly organised with the Belgium Presidency of the Council of the EU.
Un grand nombre de plaintes, un manque de ressources humaines et financières et une charge de travail croissante: tels sont quelques-uns des défis auxquels la plupart des autorités de protection des données sont confrontées lors de la mise en œuvre du règlement général sur la protection des données (RGPD), selon le nouveau rapport de l’Agence des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne (FRA). La FRA invite les pays de l’UE à veiller à ce que les autorités chargées de la protection des données disposent des ressources dont elles ont besoin pour garantir la protection des données à caractère personnel des personnes.
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FRA ran two thematic webinars for its civil society stakeholders on 5 June. They covered the political participation of people with disabilities and ensuring compliance with fundamental rights for EU funds.
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FRA Director Sirpa Rautio met with 13 Hungarian civil society organisations active in FRA’s Fundamental Rights Platform on 5 June in Budapest.
FRA will speak at the European Commission’s meeting on stronger Equality Bodies to combat discrimination. FRA will present its work on equality data, fundamental rights indicators and on strengthening statutory bodies.
FRA held an information session for national authorities on its LGBTIQ Survey report. The session brought together more than 60 representatives from ministries and other national authorities covering over 15 countries.
On 28 May, FRA delivered a keynote speech at an international conference in Berlin on conditions for the success of national action plans against racism. The focus was on a human rights-based approach to data to effectively measure and combat racism.
FRA will take part in the EU Agencies' Network on Scientific Advice (ANSA) meeting.
FRA will contribute to the annual meeting of the EU Temporary Relocation Platform. The meeting takes place from 5 to 6 June in Berlin.
On 5 June, FRA will hold a webinar on ensuring compliance with fundamental rights when using EU funds.
Les droits fondamentaux des citoyens sont menacés dans toute l’Europe. Selon le rapport sur les droits fondamentaux 2024 de la FRA, l’augmentation des niveaux de pauvreté, les menaces persistantes contre la démocratie, la généralisation du racisme et les défis liés à la migration expliquent ce constat. Ces menaces montrent à quel point il est nécessaire d’assurer une protection forte et durable des droits fondamentaux dans l’ensemble de l’UE, en particulier pour les personnes en situation de vulnérabilité. Le rapport propose des pistes pour que les décideurs politiques et la société civile œuvrent de concert à contrer la menace que constitue l’exclusion sociale et à créer les conditions d’une société plus équitable et plus juste pour tous.
FRA gave a plenary address during the first European Legal Tech Summit. The summit took place on 23 May in Vienna.
FRA co-sponsored the 2024 Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP) conference that ran from 22 to 24 May in Brussels. The event takes place every year.