Article d'actualité

Jim Clarken re-elected as FRA Management Board Chair

Jim Clarken, FRA’s Management Board new Chairpersonas a new Chairperson
© FRA/Voglhuber
On 13 December, FRA’s Management Board re-elected Jim Clarken as the new Chairperson for a second term starting on 19 March 2025.

Jim Clarken is a leading commentator on global issues relating to human rights, inequality, sustainable development and the role of business in protecting and promoting human rights, with a deep commitment to gender equality and climate justice. He regularly contributes to political and public debate in a wide range of international fora and his expertise and experience have been sought by government, business and academia for many years.

He is currently commissioner at the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission, CEO of Oxfam Ireland and a member of the Executive Board of Oxfam International. In addition, he is a member of the Governing Authority of University College, Dublin.

On accepting this role Clarken said: “I am deeply honoured by the confidence the Management Board has shown in re-electing me to this position. I look forward to continuing to steer and support the FRA Management Board with energy and commitment in these challenging times. I will build on the work under my first term with a deep appreciation of the vital role that FRA plays in promoting and protecting fundamental rights across Europe.”

At the same time, Katarína Batková was elected a member of the Executive Board. She is Executive Director of VIA URIS in Slovakia, a civil society organisation that dedicates itself to justice, the rule of law and environmental protection, with an emphasis on involving the public in public policy-making processes.

The Management Board is FRA’s independent oversight body. It is responsible for adopting the agency’s multiannual Programming Document, and its annual Fundamental Rights Report. It monitors the Agency’s operations and adopts its budget. It also appoints FRA’s Director, as well as the members of its Scientific Committee.

The Management Board consists of one independent member per Member State, nominated for five years. Members have high-level responsibilities in national human rights institutions or other public or private sector organisations.

Two representatives of the European Commission and one independent person appointed by the Council of Europe also sit on the Board.

Members from Albania, North Macedonia and Serbia participate as observers in the work of the FRA Board.

For a complete list of members see the FRA website.