
Experience of discrimination, social marginalisation and violence: A comparative study of Muslim and non-Muslim youth in three EU Member States

Social marginalisation and discrimination have severe consequences for any society – both need to be addressed as a priority, as they are directly linked to violent behaviour in young people. This research shows a high degree of overlap between three EU Member States when considering explanatory factors to violent attitudes or acts of violence committed by young people.

The results indicate that in the three Member States where the survey took place (France, Spain and the United Kingdom) most young people - regardless of their religious background - do not support violence. On the other hand, those young people who have been victims of discrimination or violence are at greater risk of engaging in violence themselves.

FRA Director Morten Kjaerum: "Young people who are discriminated against and feel socially marginalised, and those who have been a victim of violence are more likely to use violence towards others. This pattern holds true for both Muslim and non-Muslim youth. However, Muslim youth in our survey reported having experienced more discrimination and social marginalisation than non-Muslim youth. In order to tackle some of the root causes of violence, it is important to ensure that children are not exposed themselves to violence and discrimination."

Read more in the press release.

On average, 1 out of 4 young people reported that they had been unfairly treated or picked on. Muslim youths were significantly more likely than non-Muslims to say that this had happened to them in France and Spain; in the United Kingdom there was no difference between responses for Muslim and non-Muslim youth.