Article 12 - Liberté de réunion et d'association
1. Toute personne a droit à la liberté de réunion pacifique et à la liberté d'association à tous les niveaux, notamment dans les domaines politique, syndical et civique, ce qui implique le droit de toute personne de fonder avec d'autres des syndicats et de s'y affilier pour la défense de ses intérêts.
2. Les partis politiques au niveau de l'Union contribuent à l'expression de la volonté politique des citoyens de l'Union.
1. Les dispositions du paragraphe 1 de cet article correspondent aux dispositions de l'article 11 de la CEDH, qui se lit ainsi: `1. Toute personne a droit à la liberté de réunion pacifique et à la liberté d'association, y compris le droit de fonder avec d'autres des syndicats et de s'affilier à des syndicats pour la défense de ses intérêts. 2. L'exercice de ces droits ne peut faire l'objet d'autres restrictions que celles qui, prévues par la loi, constituent des mesures nécessaires, dans une société démocratique, à la sécurité nationale, à la sûreté publique, à la défense de l'ordre et à la prévention du crime, à la protection de la santé ou de la morale ou à la protection des droits et libertés d'autrui. Le présent article n'interdit pas que des restrictions légitimes soient imposées à l'exercice de ces droits par les membres des forces armées, de la police ou de l'administration de l'État`.Les dispositions du paragraphe 1 du présent article 12 ont le même sens que celles de la CEDH, mais leur portée est plus étendue étant donné qu'elles peuvent s'appliquer à tous les niveaux, ce qui inclut le niveau européen. Conformément à l'article 52, paragraphe 3, de la Charte, les limitations à ce droit ne peuvent excéder celles considérées comme pouvant être légitimes en vertu du paragraphe 2 de l'article 11 de la CEDH. 2. Ce droit se fonde également sur l'article 11 de la Charte communautaire des droits sociaux fondamentaux des travailleurs. 3. Le paragraphe 2 de cet article correspond à l'article 10, paragraphe 4, du traité sur l'Union européenne.
§ 29. Eesti kodanikul on õigus vabalt valida tegevusala, elukutset ja töökohta. Seadus võib sätestada selle õiguse kasutamise tingimused ja korra. Kui seadus ei sätesta teisiti, siis on see õigus võrdselt Eesti kodanikuga ka Eestis viibival välisriigi kodanikul ja kodakondsuseta isikul. Kedagi ei tohi sundida tema vaba tahte vastaselt tööle ega teenistusse, välja arvatud kaitseväeteenistus või selle asendusteenistus, tööd nakkushaiguse leviku tõkestamisel, loodusõnnetuse ja katastroofi korral ning töö, mida seaduse alusel ja korras peab tegema süüdimõistetu. Riik korraldab kutseõpet ja abistab tööotsijaid töö leidmisel. Töötingimused on riigi kontrolli all. Töötajate ja tööandjate ühingutesse ja liitudesse kuulumine on vaba. Töötajate ja tööandjate ühingud ja liidud võivad oma õiguste ja seaduslike huvide eest seista vahenditega, mida seadus ei keela. Streigiõiguse kasutamise tingimused ja korra sätestab seadus. Töövaidluste lahendamise korra sätestab seadus. § 47. Kõigil on õigus ilma eelneva loata rahumeelselt koguneda ja koosolekuid pidada. Seda õigust võib seaduses sätestatud juhtudel ja korras piirata riigi julgeoleku, avaliku korra, kõlbluse, liiklusohutuse ja koosolekust osavõtjate ohutuse tagamiseks ning nakkushaiguse leviku tõkestamiseks. § 48. Igaühel on õigus koonduda mittetulundusühingutesse ja -liitudesse. Erakondadesse võivad kuuluda ainult Eesti kodanikud. Relvi valdavate, samuti sõjaväeliselt korraldatud või sõjalisi harjutusi harrastavate ühingute ja liitude loomiseks on nõutav eelnev luba, mille andmise tingimused ja korra sätestab seadus. Keelatud on ühingud, liidud ja erakonnad, kelle eesmärgid või tegevus on suunatud Eesti põhiseadusliku korra vägivaldsele muutmisele või on muul viisil vastuolus kriminaalvastutust sätestava seadusega. Ainult kohus võib õiguserikkumise eest ühingu, liidu või erakonna tegevuse lõpetada või peatada, samuti teda trahvida.
§ 78. Stk. 1. Borgerne har ret til uden forudgående tilladelse at danne foreninger i ethvert lovligt øjemed. Stk. 2. Foreninger, der virker ved eller søger at nå deres mål ved vold, anstiftelse af vold eller lignende strafbar påvirkning af anderledes tænkende, bliver at opløse ved dom. Stk. 3. Ingen forening kan opløses ved en regeringsforanstaltning. Dog kan en forening foreløbig forbydes, men der skal da straks anlægges sag imod den til dens opløsning. Stk. 4. Sager om opløsning af politiske foreninger skal uden særlig tilladelse kunne indbringes for rigets øverste domstol. Stk. 5. Opløsningens retsvirkninger fastsættes nærmere ved lov. § 79. Borgerne har ret til uden forudgående tilladelse at samle sig ubevæbnede. Offentlige forsamlinger har politiet ret til at overvære. Forsamlinger under åben himmel kan forbydes, når der af dem kan befrygtes fare for den offentlige fred. § 80. Ved opløb må den væbnede magt, når den ikke angribes, kun skride ind, efter at mængden tre gange i kongens og lovens navn forgæves er opfordret til at skilles. § 85. For forsvarsmagten er de i §§ 71, 78 og 79 givne bestemmelser kun anvendelige med de indskrænkninger, der følger af de militære loves forskrifter.
Section 78. Subsection 1. Citizens shall, without previous permission, be free to form associations for any lawful purpose. Subsection 2. Associations employing violence, or aiming at the attainment of their object by violence, by instigation to violence, or by similar punishable influence on persons holding other views, shall be dissolved by court judgement. Subsection 3. No association shall be dissolved by any government measure; but an association may be temporarily prohibited, provided that immediate proceedings be taken for its dissolution. Subsection 4. Cases relating to the dissolution of political associations may, without special permission, be brought before the Highest Court of Justice of the Realm. Subsection 5. The legal effects of the dissolution shall be determined by statute. Section 79. Citizens shall, without previous permission, be at liberty to assemble unarmed. The police shall be entitled to be present at public meetings. Open-air meetings may be prohibited when it is feared that they may constitute a danger to the public peace. Section 80. In the event of riots, the armed forces may only take action, if they are attacked, after the crowd has been called upon three times to disperse in the name of the King and the law and such a warning has gone unheeded. Section 85. The provisions of Sections 71, 78, and 79 shall be applicable only to the armed forces, subject to such limitations as are consequential to the provisions of military laws.
Article 21 1. Every person has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly. 2. Every person has the right to freedom of association with others, including the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests. Notwithstanding any restriction under paragraph 3 of this Article, no person shall be compelled to join any association or to continue to be a member thereof. 3. No restrictions shall be placed on the exercise of these rights other than such as are prescribed by law and are absolutely necessary only in the interests of the security of the Republic or the constitutional order or the public safety or the public order or the public health or the public morals or for the protection of the rights and liberties guaranteed by this Constitution to any person, whether or not such person participates in such assembly or is a member of such association. 4. Any association the object or activities of which are contrary to the constitutional order is prohibited. 5. A law may provide for the imposition of restrictions on the exercise of these rights by members of the armed forces, the police or gendarmerie. 6. Subject to the provisions of any law regulating the establishment or incorporation, membership (including rights and obligations of members), management and administration, and winding up and dissolution, the provisions of this Article shall also apply to the formation of companies, societies and other associations functioning for profit.
ΑΡΘΡΟΝ 21 1. Έκαστος έχει το δικαίωμα του συνέρχεσθαι ειρηνικώς. 2. Έκαστος έχει το δικαίωμα του συνεταιρίζεσθαι μετ’ άλλων περιλαμβανομένου του δικαιώματος ιδρύσεως συντεχνιών και προσχωρήσεως εις ταύτας προς προστασίαν των ιδίων αυτού συμφερόντων. Παρά τους κατά την τρίτην παράγραφον του παρόντος άρθρου περιορισμούς, ουδείς εξαναγκάζεται να προσχωρήσει εις οιονδήποτε συνεταιρισμόν ή να συνεχίση να μετέχη αυτού ως μέλος. 3. Ουδείς άλλος περιορισμός επιβάλλεται επί της ασκήσεως των δικαιωμάτων τούτων πλην των υπό του νόμου καθοριζομένων, απολύτως δε αναγκαίων μόνον προς το συμφέρον της ασφαλείας της Δημοκρατίας ή της συνταγματικής τάξεως ή της δημοσίας ασφαλείας ή της δημοσίας τάξεως ή της δημοσίας υγιείας ή των δημοσίων ηθών ή της προστασίας των δικαιωμάτων και ελευθεριών των ηγγυημένων υπό του παρόντος Συντάγματος εις παν πρόσωπον είτε το πρόσωπον τούτο μετέχει τοιαύτης συγκεντρώσεως ή είναι μέλος τοιούτου συνεταιρισμού, είτε ου. 4. Απαγορεύεται πας συνεταιρισμός έχων αντικείμενον ή δράσιν αντιθέτους προς την συνταγματικήν τάξιν. 5. Ο νόμος δύναται να υποβάλη εις περιορισμούς την άσκησιν των δικαιωμάτων τούτων υπό προσώπων ανηκόντων εις τας ενόπλους δυνάμεις, την αστυνομίας ή την χωροφυλακήν. 6. Αι διατάξεις του παρόντος άρθρου εφαρμόζονται επίσης επί συστάσεως εταιρειών παντός είδους και άλλων κερδοσκοπικών συνεταιρισμών, τηρουμένων των διατάξεων οιουδήποτε νόμου ρυθμίζοντος τα της ιδρύσεως ή τα της κτήσεως της νομικής προσωπικότητος, τα των μετεχόντων μελών, περιλαμβανομένων των δικαιωμάτων και υποχρεώσεων τούτων, τα της διαχειρίσεως και διοικήσεως και τα της εκκαθαρίσεως και διαλύσεως αυτών.
Article 42 Everyone shall be guaranteed the right to public assembly and peaceful protest, in compliance with law.
Article 43 Everyone shall be guaranteed the right to freedom of association for the purposes of protection of common interests or promotion of social, economic, political, national, cultural and other convictions and aims. For this purpose, anyone may freely form trade unions and other associations, join them or leave them, in compliance with law. The right to free association shall be restricted by the prohibition of any violent threat to the democratic constitutional order and the independence, unity, and territorial integrity of the Republic of Croatia.
Članak 42. Svakom se priznaje pravo na javno okupljanje i mirni prosvjed u skladu sa zakonom.
Članak 43. Svakom se jamči pravo na slobodno udruživanje radi zaštite njihovih probitaka ili zauzimanja za socijalna, gospodarska, politička, nacionalna, kulturna ili druga uvjerenja i ciljeve. Radi toga svatko može slobodno osnivati sindikate i druge udruge, uključivati se u njih ili iz njih istupati u skladu sa zakonom. Pravo slobodnog udruživanja ograničeno je zabranom nasilnog ugrožavanja demokratskoga ustavnog poretka, te neovisnosti, jedinstvenosti i teritorijalne cjelovitosti Republike Hrvatske.
Art. 11. (1) Political activity in the Republic of Bulgaria shall be founded on the principle of political pluralism. (2) No political party or ideology shall be proclaimed or affirmed as a party or ideology of the State. (3) All parties shall facilitate the formation and expression of the citizens' political will. The procedure applying to the formation and dissolution of political parties and the conditions pertaining to their activity shall be established by law. (4) There shall be no political parties on ethnic, racial or religious lines, nor parties which seek the violent seizure of state power. Art. 12. (1) Associations of citizens shall serve to meet and safeguard their interests. (2) Associations, including trade unions, shall not pursue any political objectives, nor shall they engage in any political activity which is in the domain of the political parties. [...] Art. 19. [...] (4) The law shall establish conditions conducive to the setting up of cooperatives and other forms of association of citizens and legal entities in the pursuit of economic and social prosperity.(...)Art. 43. (1) All citizens shall have the right to peaceful and unarmed assembly for meetings and demonstrations. (2) The procedure for the organizing and holding of meetings and demonstrations shall be established by law. (3) No notice to the municipal authorities shall be required for meetings held indoors.Art. 44. (1) All citizens shall be free to associate. (2) The organization/s activity shall not be contrary to the country's sovereignty and national integrity, or the unity of the nation, nor shall it incite racial, national, ethnic or religious enmity or an encroachment on the rights and freedoms of citizens; no organization shall establish clandestine or paramilitary structures or shall seek to attain its aims through violence. (3) The law shall establish which organizations shall be subject to registration, the procedure for their termination, and their relationships with the State. [...] Art. 49. (1) Workers and employees shall be free to form trade union organizations and alliances in defence of their interests related to work and social security. (2) Employers shall be free to associate in defence of their economic interests.
Чл. 11. (1) Политическият живот в Република България се основава върху принципа на политическия плурализъм.(2) Нито една политическа партия или идеология не може да се обявява или утвърждава за държавна. (3) Партиите съдействуват за формиране и изразяване на политическата воля на гражданите. Редът за образуване и прекратяване на политически партии, както и условията за тяхната дейност се уреждат със закон. (4) Не могат да се образуват политически партии на етническа, расова или верска основа, както и партии, които си поставят за цел насилствено завземане на държавната власт. Чл. 12. (1) Сдруженията на гражданите служат за задоволяване и защита на техните интереси. (2) Сдруженията на гражданите, включително синдикалните, не могат да си поставят политически цели и да извършват политическа дейност, присъщи само на политическите партии. [...] Чл. 19. [...] (4) Законът създава условия за коопериране и други форми на сдружаване на гражданите и юридическите лица за постигане на стопански и социален напредък. [...] Чл. 43. (1) Гражданите имат право да се събират мирно и без оръжие на събрания и манифестации. (2) Редът за организиране и провеждане на събрания и манифестации се определя със закон. (3) За събрания на закрито не се изисква разрешение.Чл. 44. (1) Гражданите могат свободно да се сдружават. (2) Забраняват се организации, чиято дейност е насочена срещу суверенитета, териториалната цялост на страната и единството на нацията, към разпалване на расова, национална, етническа или религиозна вражда, към нарушаване на правата и свободите на гражданите, както и организации, които създават тайни или военизирани структури, или се стремят да постигнат целите си чрез насилие. (3) Законът определя организациите, които подлежат на регистрация, реда за тяхното прекратяване, както и взаимоотношенията им с държавата. [...] Чл. 49. (1) Работниците и служителите имат право да се сдружават в синдикални организации и съюзи за защита на своите интереси в областта на труда и социалното осигуряване. (2) Работодателите имат право да се сдружават за защита на своите стопански интереси.
Artikel 26De Belgen hebben het recht vreedzaam en ongewapend te vergaderen, mits zij zich gedragen naar de wetten, die het uitoefenen van dit recht kunnen regelen zonder het echter aan een voorafgaand verlof te onderwerpen.Deze bepaling is niet van toepassing op bijeenkomsten in de open lucht, die ten volle aan de politiewetten onderworpen blijven. Artikel 27De Belgen hebben het recht van vereniging; dit recht kan niet aan enige preventieve maatregel worden onderworpen.
Article 26Les Belges ont le droit de s'assembler paisiblement et sans armes, en se conformant aux lois qui peuvent régler l'exercice de ce droit, sans néanmoins le soumettre à une autorisation préalable.Cette disposition ne s'applique point aux rassemblements en plein air, qui restent entièrement soumis aux lois de police. Article 27Les Belges ont le droit de s'associer; ce droit ne peut être soumis à aucune mesure préventive.
Article 26.Belgians have the right to gather peaceably and without arms, in accordance with the laws that regulate the exercise of this right, without submitting it to prior authorization. This provision does not apply to open air meetings, which are entirely subject to police regulations. Article 27.Belgians have the right to enter into association or partnership; this right cannot be subject to any preventive measure.
Article 11
1. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and to freedom of association with others, including the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.
2. No restrictions shall be placed on the exercise of these rights other than such as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others. This Article shall not prevent the imposition of lawful restrictions on the exercise of these rights by members of the armed forces, of the police or of the administration of the State.
Artikel 11 (1) Alle Menschen haben das Recht, sich friedlich zu versammeln und sich frei mit anderen zusammenzuschließen, einschließlich des Rechts, zum Schutze ihrer Interessen Gewerkschaften zu bilden und diesen beizutreten. (2) Die Ausübung dieser Rechte darf keinen anderen Einschränkungen unterworfen werden als den vom Gesetz vorgesehenen, die in einer demokratischen Gesellschaft im Interesse der nationalen und öffentlichen Sicherheit, der Aufrechterhaltung der Ordnung und der Verbrechensverhütung, des Schutzes der Gesundheit und der Moral oder des Schutzes der Rechte und Freiheiten anderer notwendig sind. Dieser Artikel verbietet nicht, daß die Ausübung dieser Rechte durch Mitglieder der Streitkräfte, der Polizei oder der Staatsverwaltung gesetzlichen Einschränkungen unterworfen wird.