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The handbook on European data protection law is designed to familiarise legal practitioners not specialised in data protection with this emerging area of the law.
FRA’s guidance on Applying the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in law and policymaking at national level is now also available in Swedish.
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The Greek Ombudsman held a conference on the challenges for Greece and Europe in monitoring returns.
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FRA met with the European Commission on 4 December in Brussels to discuss its preliminary LGBTI survey findings ahead of their launch in 2020.
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Some 60 experts from EU institutions and civil society gathered at the European Parliament on 2 December to discuss compensation for exploitation and violence against migrant workers.
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FRA took part in the annual conference marking European Day of Persons with Disabilities, organised by the European Commission and the European Disability Forum.
La Journée européenne des personnes handicapées est l’occasion de nous rappeler qu’il est urgent de tenir nos engagements en faveur de l’égalité pour tous. C’est un impératif d’autant plus pressant que la stratégie européenne en faveur des personnes handicapées prendra fin en 2020.
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Ensuring access to effective remedy is an important part of global efforts to encourage business conduct that respects human rights. A new Fundamental Rights Agency’s (FRA) paper looks at examples of business-related human rights abuse and identifies key factors facilitating access to remedy. A comparative report will follow in 2020, which will identify obstacles for victims seeking justice and put forward proposals to overcome them.
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Cities as well as local and regional level governments are well placed to address many fundamental rights issues. Their work on many day-to-day issues are closely related to human rights, but far from always dealt with in those terms. The localisation of rights creates great opportunities to empower cities and other local governments. This was a key message from a group of experts and human rights cities' practitioners brought together by FRA on 27-28 November in Brussels.
Le 1er Décembre marque le dixième anniversaire de l’entrée en vigueur de la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne. Cette déclaration historique de l’UE est à même de susciter des transformations considérables en matière de droits fondamentaux. Cependant, dix ans après son entrée en vigueur, ses effets tardent à se faire pleinement ressentir. Cette situation est en train de changer, lentement mais sûrement.