
FRA attended online Roma workshops organised by the UN Development Programme and the World Bank. They were part of the EU-funded project Multi-country Survey on the socio-economic vulnerabilities of Roma in Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine.
Between 18 and 20 June, FRA contributed to training on the Entry Exit System (EES). The system will register biometric data of non-EU nationals travelling to the EU as of October 2024.
Incapacité à sauver et à aider les migrants en détresse, mauvais traitements et abus. Il s’agit là de quelques-unes des violations graves et aux conséquences potentiellement mortelles des droits de l’homme aux frontières terrestres et maritimes de l’UE qui ne font pas l’objet d’enquêtes appropriées. Le dernier rapport de l’Agence des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne (FRA) recense les lacunes et les obstacles systémiques qui empêchent d’enquêter sur ces violations. Le pacte sur la migration et l’asile offre une possibilité d’y remédier. Le rapport propose des mesures concrètes pour garantir des enquêtes plus efficaces sur les cas de décès et de mauvais traitements aux frontières de l’UE.
Sirpa Rautio
FRA Director Sirpa Rautio addresses EU Justice Ministers during the EU's Justice and Home Affairs Council meeting on 23 July 2024 in Budapest. The Director focused on AI and its use in the digitalisation of justice.
FRA took part in the 10th EU human rights dialogue with Indonesia hosted by the EU External Action Service (EEAS). FRA’s joined the EU delegation at the request of new EU Special Representative on Human Rights, Olof Skoog.
On 8 and 9 July, FRA delivered training during a seminar for defence lawyers organised by the European Academy of European Law (ERA) and co-financed by the EU.
FRA joined the first day of the EU Summer School organised for Luxembourg-based EU institutions on 9 July.
The Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU invited FRA to speak about the results from the Agency's third survey on discrimination and hate crime against Jews in the EU.
FRA delivered a lecture on new forms of fundamental rights monitoring under the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum during a Summer School on EU Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy. The Odysseus Academic Network for Legal Studies on Immigration and Asylum in Europe convened the summer school.
On 4 July, FRA presented its report ‘EU funds-ensuring compliance with fundamental rights’ to the European Commission.
FRA spoke to the Coordinated Supervision Committee about the fundamental rights implications of the EU’s Entry-Exit System.
L’antisémitisme persiste dans l’UE, affectant les Juifs à la fois en ligne et hors ligne. Les inquiétudes concernant la sécurité et les fréquentes expériences de harcèlement forcent de nombreuses personnes à dissimuler leur identité juive. Ces indications alarmantes proviennent de la dernière enquête menée par l’Agence des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne (FRA). L’Union européenne (UE) et certains de ses États membres ont mis en place des mesures et des plans d’action pour s’attaquer à l’antisémitisme. Les pays de l’UE doivent s’appuyer sur ces efforts pour faire en sorte que les Juifs puissent vivre dans la dignité, à l’abri de la haine et de la peur. Cela est particulièrement important compte tenu de l’impact du conflit en cours au Moyen-Orient sur les communautés juives en Europe.
FRA will address the European Committee of the Regions’ Conference on the Integration of Migrants: Unlocking New Opportunities for Cities and Regions.
On 9 July, FRA will virtually present in a webinar session the key findings of the FRA’s Fundamental Rights Report 2024 to its Fundamental Rights Platform parties.
FRA will present its latest research during training on procedural rights in criminal proceedings offered by the Academy of European Law (ERA).
FRA will give a presentation to the Council of Europe’s Programme for Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (HELP). It will present its tools and material on the EU’s Fundamental Rights Charter during their annual network conference.
Sirpa Rautio
FRA's Director delivered a keynote speech during Eurochild Convention 2024 that took place from 2 to 3 July 2024 in Malta. The theme of the event is fostering rights-based solutions to tackle child poverty and social exclusion across Europe.

FRA will take part in a meeting of the European Networks of NHRIs’ working group on economic, social and civil rights. The meeting takes place on 2 July in Vilnius.
Nearly 30,000 people have lost their lives crossing the Mediterranean Sea to seek sanctuary or a better life in Europe since 2014. The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights continues to outline the struggles civil society organisations face rescuing people in distress in the Mediterranean.
FRA will present its work on the fundamental rights impact of the cost-of-living crisis in the EU during a meeting of the Social Rights Platform. The focus will be on the social rights of young people.