
Practical Tool for Guardians — The asylum procedure

This booklet aims to support guardians assigned to children in the asylum procedure. It includes an overview of the asylum procedure with a specific focus on children, the guarantees in the asylum procedure and your role as a guardian in the different phases of the asylum process. There is also a section on what to do if something unexpected may happen, or if the age of the applicant is disputed. It is part of a series of four practical tools for guardians of unaccompanied children with international protection needs. The objective is to support guardians in their daily tasks and responsibilities during the asylum procedure, including the procedure under the Regulation (EU) No 604/2013 (Dublin III regulation) and temporary protection. The tools have been developed by the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) and the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA).

EU law provides for the appointment of a representative for unaccompanied children applying for international protection. Guardians should be qualified and equipped to deal with the wide variety of laws and procedures that regulate asylum, migration or other issues they may need to engage with.

In this booklet:

  1. The asylum procedure and your role as a guardian
  2. Access to asylum procedure
  3. Right to dignified living during the asylum procedure
  4. The examination phase
  5. Appear against a negative decision
  6. What can you do when something is not going as expected?