
FRA took part in a panel discussion on triggering change nationally towards respect for the human rights of migrants at borders through the work of NHRIs and other human rights defenders.
The FRA Director will join discussions on environmental sustainability and equality as part of EU Green Week 2021. The European Green Week 2021 runs from 31 May to 4 June.
On 31 May, the FRA Director will meet the heads of the European Network of Equality Bodies (Equinet) and of the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI) to discuss strategic issues of joint interest.
There are many reasons for the police to stop someone. But prejudice should not be one of them. Find out what FRA is doing to end discriminatory police stops.
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The 2018 edition of the handbook on European data protection law is now also available online in Dutch and Slovakian.
On 25 May, FRA took part in the Sub-Committee on Migrant Smuggling and Trafficking in Human Beings of the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly. The online hearing aimed to inform the Sub-Committee about relevant findings to enable them to define adequate future action.
FRA hosted a national roundtable discussion on 25 May on the role of the EU Fundamental Rights Charter in the EU. The European Commission Representation in Poland was FRA’s partner for the event.
FRA will give a keynote speech during the GUARANTEE project’s final conference on 27 May on the right to education for all in European cities.
FRA’s Director will speak during the opening session of the World Conference of the International Ombudsman Institute.
Michael O'Flaherty
FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty addressed a national round-table discussion on 25 May on the role of the Fundamental Rights Charter in the EU. The European Commission Representation in Poland was FRA’s partner for the '20 years of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights' event.
Un nouveau document de l’Agence des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne (FRA) met en évidence les différences entre les expériences individuelles des contrôles de police. Il en ressort que les Noirs, les Asiatiques et les Roms demeurent plus susceptibles d’être contrôlés et fouillés par la police, ce qui sape leur confiance dans cette institution. La FRA continuera de fournir des données et des conseils aux pays de l’UE pour les aider à s’assurer que leurs pratiques policières respectent les droits fondamentaux des citoyens.
FRA will host a national round-table discussion on 25 May on the role of the EU Fundamental Rights Charter in the EU. The European Commission Representation in Poland is FRA’s partner for the event.
On 20 May, FRA attended the third online meeting of the EU Migration Preparedness and Crisis Management Mechanism (Blueprint) Network.
The Portuguese national school for recruiting and training judges and public prosecutors is organising a conference on the rule of law and fundamental rights. It will focus on national implementation of the EU’s Fundamental Rights Charter.
FRA held an online webinar on 5 May with its National Liaison Officers on its upcoming Framework of Commitments for Human Rights cities.
FRA spoke to eu-LISA staff about the fundamental rights implications of the European Travel and Authorisation System. It drew on its Opinion on the fundamental rights impact of ETIAS and its research into large-scale EU IT migration systems. FRA rose awareness of the possible fundamental rights risks that can emerge if safeguards are not duly implemented.
On 18 May, FRA participated in the online meeting of the network of EU Agencies’ contact points on human trafficking.
The American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) honoured FRA with its Inclusive Voices Award 2021.
The Agency’s Executive Board and Management Board will meet via videoconference on 20 and 21 May. During the meeting, the Management Board will adopt the Agency’s Fundamental Rights Reports 2021 as well as the Consolidated Annual Activity Report 2020.