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National Contact Points under the European Migration Network (EMN) met on 22 January. The aim of the meeting was to update national contact points, EASO, the European Commission and its Joint Research Centre, and FRA about each other’s activities.
FRA outlined fundamental rights safeguards in the Entry-Exit system during a training course on 2 and 3 February. FRA rose awareness on the potential risks for fundamental rights, that can emerge if safeguards are not duly implemented, drawing on its relevant work.
FRA presented the main findings from its facial recognition technology paper during an event organised by the International Network of Civil Liberties Organizations (INCLO). The network brings together 15 independent, national human rights NGOs from different countries.
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A Spanish version of the asylum and migration legal handbook is now available.
FRA presented findings from its COVID-19 impact bulletins during a conference on the state of EU citizens’ rights. It drew attention to the impact of the pandemic on the fundamental right to family life for citizens moving about the EU.
FRA held an online inception meeting of a new project looking into the fundamental rights situation of third-country nationals who are long-term residents in the EU. The meeting on will gather partners from FRA’s research network from nine EU Member States – Belgium, Czechia, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain and Sweden – covered by the research.
Nos données personnelles définissent la publicité que nous voyons. Elles permettent aussi aux autorités gouvernementales de mieux suivre la propagation de la COVID-19. Mais à mesure que la technologie progresse, les garanties en matière de protection des données devraient faire de même. À l’occasion de la Journée de la protection des données 2021, l’Agence des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne (FRA) met en évidence les défis à relever en matière de protection des données pour assurer le respect de nos droits.
La journée commémorative de l’Holocauste est l’occasion de prendre le temps d’honorer et de se souvenir des millions de Juifs, de Roms, d’handicapées, de gays et de lesbiennes, et des nombreuses autres personnes qui ont été victimes des horreurs de la persécution nazie. Promouvoir les valeurs d’inclusion et de tolérance contribue à leur rendre hommage, déclare l’Agence des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne (FRA).
Six EU Member States volunteered to review the implementation of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) in their countries in 2021. These countries are Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Germany, Spain and Sweden.
FRA has today, 19 January, launched a new podcast, titled Fundamentally Right. The podcast charts how events inspired people dedicating their professional lives working for EU’s independent centre of reference and excellence for promoting and protecting human rights.