
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    Following yet another recent tragic shipwreck and loss of life in the Mediterranean, this short report sets out examples of actions the EU could take to meet its obligations to protect the right to life and prevent more deaths at sea. As part of the work that the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) does on upholding fundamental rights in asylum and return procedures, this report calls for better protection for shipwreck survivors, and prompt and independent investigations. It sets out measures that EU Member States should take to improve search and rescue efforts and provide legal pathways to safety to prevent deaths at sea.
  • Fundamental Rights Report
    La guerre d'agression non provoquée de la Russie contre l'Ukraine a entraîné des déplacements massifs de personnes à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur du pays. L'Union européenne (UE) a rapidement activé sa directive relative à la protection
    temporaire pour la première fois depuis son adoption en 2001. Cela a donné à près de 4 millions de personnes le droit à un séjour régulier et à un accès au travail, au logement, à l'assistance juridique, à l'éducation et aux soins de santé.
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine triggered scenes not seen in Europe for decades. It has since caused death, immense destruction, and unspeakable suffering. It also set in motion a mass movement of people not seen since World War II. To protect them, the EU activated the Temporary Protection Directive for the first time. In doing so, all EU Member States must offer protection to those displaced from Ukraine.
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    Many cities throughout the European Union hosted people fleeing Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. The EU currently faces the largest displacement of people in Europe since World War II. Since February 2022, over seven million people came to the EU. The arrival of such large numbers of people thrust cities and local governments to the forefront of the EU and its Member States’ relief work. This short publication provides a snapshot of cities’ initiatives to address this humanitarian crisis.
Ce « Focus » examine de façon approfondie les questions de l’asile et de la
migration dans l’Union européenne (UE) en 2015. Il se penche sur l’efficacité des mesures prises ou proposées par l’UE et
ses États membres pour gérer cette situation, en se concentrant en particulier sur le respect des droits fondamentaux.
The Fundamental Rights Forum (FRF) is organised by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) in cooperation with various partners. Refugee Protection is one of the three themes for the FRF which will take place in Vienna from 20-23 June 2016.
FRA’s opinions highlight general fundamental rights implications to be considered when applying the safe countries of origin concept. They should be read together with the relevant safeguards the Asylum Procedures Directive establishes. These safeguards provide for minimum guarantees that must also fully apply to applicants originating from countries on the proposed EU common list of safe countries of origin.
L’exploitation de la main d’oeuvre n’est pas un phénomène isolé ou marginal. Toutefois,
en dépit de leur omniprésence dans la vie quotidienne, les formes graves d’exploitation
au travail et leurs effets préjudiciables sur les ressortissants des pays tiers et les citoyens
de l’UE - en tant que travailleurs, mais également en tant que consommateurs - n’ont pas
à ce jour suscité beaucoup d’intérêt de la part des chercheurs. Ce rapport
identifie les facteurs de risque qui contribuent à ce type d’exploitation et discute des
moyens d’améliorer la situation, tout en soulignant les défis auxquels sont confrontés les
institutions et les États membres de l’UE pour veiller à ce que le droit à des conditions de
travail décentes des travailleurs provenant de l’UE ou de pays tiers soit réellement appliqué.
Periodic updates / Series
In view of the increasing numbers of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants entering the EU, the European Commission asked FRA to collect data about the fundamental rights situation of people arriving in those Member States that have been particularly affected by large migration movements.
This infographic outlines FRA's work along a simplified version of the EU migration flow. Each item is hyperlinked so you can find out more on each topic.
Les enfants sont des titulaires de droits à part entière. Ils sont bénéficiaires de tous les droits
fondamentaux et de l’homme, et sont sujets de réglementations particulières compte tenu de leurs
caractéristiques spécifiques. Ce manuel a pour but de montrer comment le droit et la jurisprudence
européens s’adaptent aux intérêts et besoins particuliers des enfants.
Processing biometric data for immigration, asylum and border management purposes has become common. This focus paper looks at measures authorities can take to enforce the obligation of newly arrived asylum seekers and migrants in an irregular situation to provide fingerprints for inclusion in Eurodac.
This report explores the key features of guardianship systems put in place to cater for the needs of all children in need of protection, including child victims and those at risk of becoming victims of trafficking in human beings or of other forms of exploitation. The research covers four specific areas, namely the type of guardianship systems in place, the profile of appointed guardians, the appointment procedures, and the tasks of the guardians.
For asylum and return (i.e. expulsion) procedures to be implemented effectively, people need to be at the disposal of the authorities so that any measure requiring their presence can be taken without delay. To achieve this, EU Member States may decide to hold people in closed facilities. Less intrusive measures, which are usually referred to as alternatives to detention, reduce the risk that deprivation of liberty is resorted to excessively.
Periodic updates / Series
In view of the increasing numbers of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants entering the EU, the European Commission asked FRA to collect data about the fundamental rights situation of people arriving in those Member States that have been particularly affected by large migration movements. The countries covered in 2015 are Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy and Slovenia.
Report / Paper / Summary
The right to health is a basic social right. However, its understanding and application differs
across the European Union (EU) Member States, which results in different healthcare services
being offered to migrants in an irregular situation. This summary looks into the potential costs of providing migrants in
an irregular situation with timely access to health screening and treatment, compared to
providing medical treatment only in emergency cases.
This report aims to estimate the economic cost of providing timely access to screening and treatment for migrants in an irregular situation, compared with providing treatment only in emergency cases. It presents an economic model to calculate such costs for two medical conditions: hypertension and prenatal care. To better illustrate its application in practice, the model is applied to three European Union (EU) Member States – Germany, Greece and Sweden.
Les États Membres et les institutions de l’Union européenne (UE) ont introduit en 2014 un nombre de mesures juridiques et politiques pour garantir la protection des droits fondamentaux dans l’UE. Malgré ces efforts, beaucoup reste à accomplir, et il est clair que dans certains domaines la situation est alarmante : le nombre de migrants sauvés ou appréhendés en mer alors qu’ils essayaient de rejoindre les frontières de l’UE a quadruplé par rapport à 2013 ; plus d’un quart des enfants dans l’UE encourent un risque de pauvreté ou d’exclusion sociale ; et un nombre croissant de partis politiques recourent dans leurs campagnes à une rhétorique xénophobe et hostile aux immigrés, ce qui peut potentiellement augmenter le risque de certaines personnes d’être victimes de criminalité ou de crimes de haine.
Report / Paper / Summary
La situation aux points de passage frontaliers terrestres de l’UE a bénéficié de moins d’attention
que celle aux frontières maritimes méridionales de l’Europe, où la vie des migrants est menacée.
Bien que les recherches de terrain de la FRA aient révélé que les contrôles aux frontières s’effectuent,
dans l’ensemble, de façon routinière et sans incident, les voyageurs peuvent rencontrer des
difficultés ayant une incidence sur leurs droits fondamentaux, qui ne devraient pas être négligées.
An estimated 3,280 persons died at sea in 2014 while attempting to reach a haven in Europe, and the number of those rescued or apprehended at sea quadrupled compared with 2013. The number of displaced persons worldwide reached Second World War levels in 2014. Many move on from where they first arrive, with Germany and Sweden together receiving almost half of the asylum applications submitted in the EU.
Worker exploitation is not an isolated or marginal phenomenon. But despite its pervasiveness in everyday life, severe labour exploitation and its adverse effects on third-country nationals and EU citizens - as workers, but also as consumers - have to date not received much attention from researchers.
Every year, tens of thousands of people risk their lives trying to enter the European Union (EU) in an irregular way, and many die in the attempt. Increasing the availability of legal avenues to reach the EU would contribute to make the right to asylum set forth in Article 18 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights a reality for vulnerable refugees and other persons in need of protection who are staying in a third country, often facing risks to their safety. It would also help to fight smuggling in human beings. This FRA focus seeks to contribute towards the elaboration of such legal entry options so that these can constitute a viable alternative to risky irregular entry.