
The European Judicial Training Network will hold a seminar at FRA from 18 to 19 April on applying the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.
On 16 April, FRA will welcome the Western Balkans Fellowship Programme at the Austrian Parliament in cooperation with the European Funds for the Balkans.
To better support unaccompanied children seeking protection, the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) and the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) have released their latest Practical Tool for Guardians. The tool will support guardians in assisting unaccompanied children with their asylum applications when there are different countries involved, such as in family reunification or relocation procedures.
FRA presented findings from its ‘Being Black in the EU’ report at an expert discussion on ‘Economic justice for people of African descent: opportunities and challenges in the labour market’.
FRA joined an AI workshop of the EU’s Innovation Hub for Internal Security. The meeting allowed participants to exchange information on the use of AI among participating agencies.
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FRA contributed to a roundtable discussion on migrant women in Brussels on 10 April. The COST ‘Women on the Move’ Programme organised the event. It focused on women's migration across Europe.
Mid-level officers of the Bulgarian border police took part in three consecutive workshops on fundamental rights. FRA, together with Frontex Fundamental Rights Office (FRO) and the Bulgarian Office of the UN’s Refugee Agency ran the workshops.
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On 11 April, FRA Director Sirpa Rautio welcomed the OSCE Representative on Freedom of Media Teresa Ribeiro to FRA. During their discussion, they exchanged views on the challenges that human rights defenders and journalists face today.
Commentaires racistes, contrôles plus fréquents, voire violences, voilà comment les personnes d’origines ethniques différentes vivent le maintien de l’ordre en Europe. Pour autant, du fait du manque de données au niveau national, il est difficile d’évaluer pleinement l’ampleur du problème et d’élaborer des réponses efficaces. Telle est la conclusion du premier rapport à l’échelle de l’UE sur le racisme au sein des services de police rédigé par l’Agence des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne (FRA). L’Agence invite les États membres de l’UE à recueillir systématiquement des données sur les fautes commises au sein des services de maintien de l’ordre, à rendre les signalements plus sûrs et l’enregistrement des incidents plus efficace, ainsi qu’à accroître la diversité au sein des forces de police.
On 26 March, FRA will give a keynote speech at the closing conference of Child Front. This is an EU-funded project on ‘Transformative Judicial Training for Child-Inclusive Justice Systems’.
Les criminels qui cherchent à fuir vers d’autres pays peuvent être traduits en justice grâce au mandat d’arrêt européen. Toutefois, selon le dernier rapport de l’Agence des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne (FRA), la garantie du respect de leurs droits se heurte à des défis pratiques. Le rapport identifie les moyens de s’assurer que les personnes sont traitées équitablement, qu’elles sont informées des procédures et qu’elles les comprennent, et qu’elles bénéficient d’une assistance juridique.
On 20 March, FRA presented its report on online content moderation to the European Parliament’s Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee. It was part of a debate on progress in implementing the EU’s Digital Services Act (DSA).
FRA presented its work on artificial intelligence and fundamental rights, including findings from its report on Bias in algorithms, at an online CEPOL workshop on AI.
FRA released its practical guidance for Human Rights Cities in 14 additional EU languages. The guidance provides hands-on support and advice to cities and other forms of local authorities wishing to improve their efforts to respect, protect and promote human rights.
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On 14 March, FRA introduced its research on the experience of Data Protection Authorities (DPAs) when enforcing the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) at the European Data Protection Board’s plenary meeting.
FRA joined the 10th plenary meeting of the Council of Europe’s Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CAI).
FRA’s Executive Board will meet on 21 March via videoconference.
FRA will run a webinar on 20 March at 10:00-12:00 CET for civil society organisations on available resources to Human Rights Defenders in need of relocation. This includes research and support available in the EU.
FRA will join Equinet’s online meeting on 20 March about Equality Bodies’ standards. There will be an update on the current state of the legislative initiative and the expected conclusion.
On 20 March, FRA will hold an inception meeting with partners from its Franet research network for a new project on violence against people with disabilities in institutions.